I continue to believe, despite what most would say, that my madness stays locked into the 1415 B behind my front door for no one (besides the Devil, Angel, and God) to witness. I was once told that secrets are useless unless you are bold enough to take them to the grave. I honestly don't want to take my secrets to the grave, because I believe that nobody would truly know me unless I revealed a few. So, here is my extraordinary list of wonders, amusements...secrets that go on behind my lovely (and green) front door.
1. Most everyone I know prays, and so do I. I love to pray. All day everyday. However, when I am in the 1415 B, I tend to just ramble on about life to God like He is physically standing right there in front of me. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I yell (not AT Him, but TO Him). I wouldn't have it any other way to be honest.
2. I am a mobile teeth brusher. I can't fathom the thought of just sitting in my bathroom while I brush my teeth. I HAVE to walk around. That is usually the reason I can never find my toothbrush. In relation, I also have a 2nd toothbrush that stays in my shower. I love brushing my teeth in the shower.
3. Anytime I am near a mirror (for those of you who have been in 1415 B, this is why there is a mirror in my kitchen) I have to look in it and make faces. I don't ever look at myself in the mirror obsessing over how I look. Instead, I just make faces at it like its my best friend or something.
4. I sleep with a BILLION pillows. I absolutely love pillows (probably due to the lack of D...or anybody for that matter)
5. I sing. This one may not surprise very many. I generally sing everywhere, but it is just playing around. When I alone in the 1415 B; I first check to see if the neighbors are home and then I sing for however long they are gone. Every once in a while I MIGHT pick up the guitar, but that is pretty rare.
6. This one is kinda weird, but I love to talk and I love to talk in front of people, but I am always afraid of messing words up. Therefore, when I am alone, I will practice certain speeches in case I ever need them; such as- my testimony, the "Hi I am Heather/Ginavee" speech, the "I found another job" speech, the "I just won a million dollars, Marms and Daddy" speech...and so on.
7. I paint and then erase. I love love love love love to paint, so I always use my white walls as a canvas. However, I generally get very tired of whatever I paint very fast, so I will paint right back over it within a week to a couple of months.
8. I rap. I love making up random raps. They never make sense and hardly ever rhyme, but it's fun.
9. BOOTY DANCE! I love to act like I can dance so I break out the "white girl dance" all the time. Generally I pull back my shower curtain and dance in the bathtub (without the shower on). I am a little obsessed with my bathtub.
10. I absolutely cannot land my list on 9. It has to be on either a 5 or 10 in this case. I just can't think of anything else weird that I do in my apt. I am sure there is more, but some of the little stuff I consider normal. Anyways, #10 and I shall go back to work and think of more things about life that we love.
God Bless,
p.s. i got tired of manipulating the times so that my posts are in order. i figure that, in order to conquer the o.c.d. i should probably try and go against it. so for today this one is on top. tomorrow it will probably be moved. i try.
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