...the breakup...

I finally decided it was time for a change. I am unhappy and distraught most of the time. I go to sleep mostly unsatisfied and never get exactly what I want.  I have been in a "every other day" relationship with Redbox, and folks, I've met someone new: Netflix.

Why, you say, would I give up this love that I have for the oh so loyal redbox?

Well, I came to the immediate and delicate decision last night while attempting to rent a Redbox movie at the local Kangaroo on University Blvd:

I pulled up, stepped out of the car, noticing a strange man washing his (or what I thought was his) car. Generally people wash their windshield when they are at the pump, where the squeegee and such are located.


This man had a l o n g scrub brush and a cooler full of water. Upon being whacked in the head with his scrub brush, I politely stepped aside, only wanting my beloved movie. By the time the very sssllllooowwwww and unforgivable Redbox was done giving me what I really didn't even want, my car was covered in bubbles.

Feeling bad, I offered the guy a drink from the store for his hard work (even though he bashed me in the head). He spurts off this random name of some kind of purple grape drink and points it out to me through the store window.

It was grape beer. I just bought a seemingly homeless man beer. Wish I would have had cash.
So I sit, waiting on Netflix to visit me; apparently he is a bit sketchy as well....my relationship life sucks.

Tip of the day:
To the rebound lover of the Redbox: Breakup
To the lover of Netflix: I believe he cheats.


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