...it's official...

It is official. I do not have TV...STILL. I was so excited about getting Directv and I didn't.

My landlord says the dish would "trash up" the apartment building.

Oh well...just another breakup. Comcast, here I come.

On a different note, I tried this new "keep the dogs off the bed at night and put them on a pallet in the floor instead" thing. I was up all night, determined to keep them off the bed instead of sleeping. I would literally wake from a dead sleep with the Angel on my shoulder and the Devil on my knee and just miraculously be wide awake to get them off the bed. I really stuck by it all night too. I am proud and my bed loves me now.

Also, the Devil ran away this morning and I preceded to chase him almost two blocks in my Ford pajama pants and a biker t-shirt. What was he chasing? A motorcycle. How appropriate.

So I am without a TV, a cuddle buddy, or a life for that matter and now I am off to eat my sammich.


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